Just one of those times…

It’s stinks when you find a job that you know you’d enjoy and have an interview that goes incredibly well, only to go home & discuss things with your wife and conclude that financially the job won’t pay the bills.

That happened today with a very cool position at a bakery (to those of you who don’t know, I like to bake).

Thankfully, I have another month & a half to find a more sufficient position and there are a few prospects on the horizon. Even still, it’s hard to say no to a job that looked so promising originally – especially when you’ve been looking for awhile already.

Now…onto more applications & resume editing.

Thankfully, I have a contract I’m working on right now (Joshua in the Logos LXX interlinear) as well as a new casual position at a local climbing gym. We’ll be afloat just fine for a bit longer while I continue searching.