From the Editors: Transitions

This past March, Koine Greek: Studies in Greek Language & Linguistics celebrated its 12-year anniversary. Originally titled, Ἐν Ἐφέσῳ, the blog in its first couple years transitioned from a poor Greek student’s musings about the Greek text of Ephesians to something else more focused on grammar and linguistics. For the majority of these years, Mike Aubrey was the sole contributor and writer, determined to apply everything he was learning about applied and theoretical linguistics in graduate school to Ancient Greek.

During this time, being outside of the traditional academic realms of biblical studies, Mike realized fairly quickly the degree to which his education in linguistics could provide a stronger foundation for understanding the Greek of the Old and New Testaments, specifically, and of the larger Hellenistic and Early Roman eras, more generally. Thus, he began writing about Greek and linguistics here: semantics, morphology, syntax, discourse, pragmatics, whatever came up as he read Greek texts or studied linguistics. While effort has been made to make complex linguistic concepts and ideas accessible, has also been unapologetically oriented toward the advanced student and scholar.

While the larger biblio-blogosphere has now for the most part disappeared, shrinking before the onslaught of Facebook and Twitter, we have still enjoyed seeing positive growth in readership, particularly since 2015. It is fully clear to us that a substantial public interest in advanced Greek grammar and linguistics discussion exists. We hope that will continue to play a role in filling that gap in education and advancement in research.

Changes continue. We are slowly working toward being a true multi-author site. At the end of 2018, Dr. Chris Fresch joined us from the Bible College of South Australia, as did Andrew Keenan of Lancaster Bible College. And we hope to add a few more contributors this year in 2019, including Paul O’Rear, SIL Associate International Translation Coordinator, Dr. Steve Runge, scholar-in-residence at Logos Bible Software, and Fr. Esteban Vázquez. Navigating what the editorial and publishing process will look like going forward is still in process, but looking forward our focus will be on the following categories:

  • Educational and explanatory discussions of grammar and text
  • Long-form, multi-part series on specialized topics in Greek linguistics
  • Notices of important publications
  • Reviews of relevant linguistics books and articles
  • The addition of a space for studying Hebrew texts and linguistics

These four types of posts are ranked in terms of how we prioritize them. While we have focused on these for a number of years now, moving to a multi-author format will require some adaption, such as establishing a style guide for the site and a process for editing/review.

For ourselves (Michael and Rachel Aubrey), we are currently transitioning to serve with Wycliffe Bible Translators. We have been offered a ministry assignment creating digital Greek & Hebrew tools and resources, grounded in contemporary linguistics for advancing bible translation, resources that integrate corpus linguistics and the digital humanities for the benefit of minority Bible translation. Because our assignment with Wycliffe is directly connected to the purpose of, we hope that transition will also mean more opportunity for regular writing about Ancient Greek linguistics here based on our work with Wycliffe, along side the continued work on our Comprehensive Grammar of Hellenistic and Early Roman Greek.

Our earliest of readers have perhaps known for some time that we have planned to join Wycliffe. We are excited that it is now happening., however, will not be changing as a result of this. Our first newsletter went out just a few weeks ago: Our journey to Wycliffe.

We will be keeping our Wycliffe newsletters separate from the site, but we would nevertheless welcome any of our readers to sign up for the newsletter, should they be interested in keeping up with our Greek linguistics work with Wycliffe.

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